Sunday 28 April 2013


Banksy is a worldwide known graffiti artist. Not only is he an artist but a political activist, film director and painter. His works are relevant to the political times we live in and they consist of a distinctive stenciling technique.
Banksy's identity remains unknown throughout his years of creativity; he is believed to have been born in England Bristol 1974.
Around London and other areas of the world are various creations of his work, a variety of the public believe the work Bansky creates speaks for those who live within an urban environment and cannot express themselves but through his art.
Not everyone agrees with this statement, however they believe his work is a form of vandalism.
“His work looks dazzlingly clever to idiots” The Guardian 2006. Quoted by Charlie Brooker a statement on Bansky on his column for the guardian, he states Banksys fans are idiots, due to their interest in political art.
However Banksy has had an effect of the public whether it be good or bad many believe he uses an original street art form and disagrees with the propaganda promoted by the media.  Many of his designs consist of simple ideas portrayed within Banksys own mind frame, he expresses them to the public in a way, which they can visit the work face to face rather than to view online.

Sewell B.  (No Date)  “Bansky” [Online]
[Accessed: Tuesday 2nd April 2013]

Brooker C. (2006) “Supposing ... Subversive genius Banksy is actually rubbish” in “The GuardianSeptember 2006. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed: 12 April 2013]

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